Krakow ranked 8th in a list of top 100 European cities to visit in 2017

If you are still not convinced that Poland is the best destination for a weekend gataway, here we have another proof!


HomeToGo and GoEuro made a list of top 100 European cities to visit in 2017. They compared over 2 000 European cities taking into consideration 5 categories: day activities, nightlife, food and drink, accommodation, and public transport. The final score includes other factors such as the Climate Index, Safety Index or Health Care Index. These factors have been integrated in the final calculation but are not displayed in the ranking table.


As a result of calculations, four Polish cities has been ranked in top 100! And Krakow – in top 10!


City Day Activities Nightlife Accommodation Food and Drinks Transportation Score
8 Krakow 1,9 4,9 4,3 2,2 3,9 79,5
24 Wroclaw 1,2 4,4 4,2 1,9 4 70,6
34 Gdansk 1,3 3,8 4,1 1,7 4,2 68,2
40 Warsaw 1,6 3,5 4,3 2,5 3,2 67,5


You can take a loook at the whole list here:


Also, Krakow has been ranked 2nd in the subcategory of Nightlife. They outlined the fact that the numer of bars/clubs is not high but it is irrelevant as they are open so long as there are people inside. The authors of the list mentioned also famous ‘Kiełbaski z Nyski’ – the place where you can get the best sausages in town! In the same ranking Wroclaw occupies the 9th place as they received 4,4 points. As you can see – Poland is the place for partying! And if you haven’t experiend it yet, don’t hesitate anymore.


When it comes to the subcategory of Getting Around, three Polish cities appeared in top 10! Gdansk – 5th, Wroclaw – 6th and Krakow in the 7th position. Transport is affortable in Poland then, which is another reason to visit our country.


Feel free to contact us to get offers for programs in those cities.

On 21 grudnia, 2017, posted in: News by

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